Inaugural Post

My name is Rosanna Griffin. I live in the Santa Cruz mountains and I spend my time wandering around my imaginary lands and writing fantasy.

Welcome to my blog. I’m pretty excited you are here reading this. It means that my first novel is on its way to becoming a real book. Its working title is “The Dragon Book“, and I’ll be indie publishing it either this year, 2018, or in 2019. This is the first time I have produced a book. So it is hard to say when I will release it until I’m a little closer to having a finished product. But enough about that, who am I?

About Me

Well, besides getting lost in imaginary lands I also dance ballet, build Legos, cook yummy food, use a bullet journal, wear chucks, and I’m growing out a Mohawk. Which, is the worst haircut to have to grow out. I work a full-time office job and write in the corners of my day.

Writing Team

A dog on the beachMy writing support team is pretty awesome. My biggest supporter is my husband. He is pretty cool at encouraging me to follow my dreams and calls me on my BS when I get too whiny. We have a puppy. You can see his pictures if you go follow me on Instagram. Or, you know, look below. His name is O’Neill and he is a six month old Olde English Bulldog. He is my Chief Distraction Officer. He does his job well.

Like many authors, I read a lot of books. I have most recently been enjoying some really well written Science Fiction and High Fantasy though I tend to have pretty eclectic reading tastes.

This blog will be a random collection of updates about the book, what’s going on in my life, pictures of the puppy, and perhaps some opinion pieces.

Posted by Rosanna Griffin