February Recap + Planning for March

Welcome back to the blog. It is the end of the month, so it is time to reflect about February and do some planning for March. February was pretty good. I got the flu in the middle of the month and that knocked me out for a week. As I talk about a little later entering into this new stage of actually editing what I’ve written has been really good, and a little surreal. I keep thinking that its going to be harder than it actually is. I suppose the lazy part of my brain would like to keep me from working. But, I’m actually having a lot of fun doing the edits on the Dragon Book.


February saw some lag in this round of edits as I focused on some of the business side of things, but I still made some major progress on the second draft of the Dragon Book. The big thing I accomplished was a timeline reconciliation between the two main viewpoints. No longer does one of the minor characters appear in two different locations at the same time.

Editing this book has been really interesting. It feels really good to be able to look objectively at what I’ve written and know that what I’m doing right now is making the story better.

I took a master class last year from C.C. Humphreys and he likened writing a book to climbing a mountain. The first draft is the first climb up, you are just trying to find your own way. The second draft you are trying to guide a couple more people to the top of the mountain. So, right now, I’m reviewing the route I took to the top and trying to make sure that my readers don’t have to be airlifted across the cavern that is the middle of my book. Its pretty cool.

For the month of March I have some pretty ambitious goals. Here’s what I’m planning:

  1. Fix the muddle in the middle
  2. Release the beginning to Beta Readers
  3. Knock out the rest of my global edits list


 During February I read (in no particular order):

Conspiracy of Ravens – Lila Bowen

The Golden Compass – Philip Pullman

The Way of Shadows – Brent Weeks

Lady Knight – Tamora Pierce

A Natural History of Dragons – Marie Brennan

Decider – Dick Francis


Here is some of what I’m planning to read in March:

Proof – Dick Francis

Shadow’s Edge – Brent Weeks

Stardust – Neil Gaiman


I taught myself how to use a miter saw and a kreg jig and promptly used those skills to make a bedframe. It was super fun and now I want to

make more furniture. I have my eye on some plans for bedside tables and a media console. I’ll keep you updated if I decide to foray into more carpentry.

I did not make it to many ballet classes. Between the flu and trying to have a more balanced home life, ballet went on the back burner this month. I am hoping to make more classes during March.

I’ve also been practicing my hand lettering, because I’m slightly obsessed with the written word.

Okay, I think that is all of the things that happened. Now, I’m going to go work on the scene list for the Dragon Book.


Posted by Rosanna Griffin