April Recap + May Goals

April was a surreal month. I went through some major transition and I’m not entirely sure where the month has gone. So, let’s take a look at April’s goals and events.


April’s Goals were:

  1. Edit 10 Scenes – I edited 3 scenes.
  2. Post 4 Blog posts – I actually did this. You can find them here. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  3. Keep up on Social media (2-4 posts/week) – My social media was very intermittent, so no, I didn’t accomplish this goal.
  4. Release scenes to Alpha Readers – Nope, didn’t happen. Sorry Alpha readers, you can expect more chapters later this week.
  5. Take a 2 week break – Yes, and it was so needed.

Like I said at the time, these goals were a little more ambitious than I assumed I could get done, and I wasn’t wrong. At the same time, I set them before the month began, and I didn’t want to change them just because my life got busy. Also, as I mentioned in this blog post, I quit my office job so I can write full-time. That job ended in the middle of the month and I chose to take the last two weeks of the month off before embarking on my new writing career. Between only having two weeks to do the work, and wrapping up my job, I bit off a little more than I could chew, so, some things didn’t get done.

May Goals:

  1. Finish the 2ndDraft of the Dragon Book
  2. Find a Content Editor

And that is pretty much it. I know this doesn’t look like much, but I seriously need to get the second draft done, and I want to get it done by the end of the month. So yes, it doesn’t look like much, but it is the most important thing that needs to get done. Operating under the premise of – “To do two things at once is to do neither” (Publilius Syrus) I thought I’d keep my list pretty minimal for this month.

May is also going to be about building rhythms and habits for my work day. This should also be an interesting challenge. We’ll see how it goes.


Leviathan Wakes – James S.A. Corey

Babylon’s Ashes – James S.A. Corey

The Wizard of London – Mercedes Lackey

Reserved for the Cat – Mercedes Lackey

The Clairvoyant Countess – Dorothy Gilman

Bitten by a Camel – Kent Dobson




Striding Folly – Dorothy Sayers

Whose Body – Dorothy Sayers




I did a lot of hiking with O’Neill on my break. The image at the top of the post is of some young Poison Oak plants I photographed but didn’t touch. Here is the view from another hike. 

I started watching the tv show “The Expanse”. Which is based on the books by James S.A. Corey. I also re-read Leviathan Wakes because I wanted to know how true the book was to the tv show.





I Got my hair cut (finally).










And in general wound down in preparation for spinning up the writing this week.

(p.s.) Here is a picture of O’Neill “not” begging for food.

Posted by Rosanna Griffin